The Silent Product Owner: How Detachment Destroys Agile Teams

The Agile Compass

Matthias Orgler

Hello Reader,

is your Product Owner detached from the team? Writing lots of user stories? Fulfilling a DoR? We'll talk about why that's not helpful in today's article.

Before we start: Here are a few past articles about Product Owners you might have missed:

Now let's get into today's topic:

The Silent Product Owner: How Detachment Destroys Agile Teams

Ever tried assembling IKEA furniture without the manual, only to receive a 500-page instruction booklet written in hieroglyphics? That’s how developers feel when their Product Owner (PO) is MIA, hiding behind walls of endless documentation.

The Communication Breakdown

The Waiting Game

Developers are a curious bunch—they thrive on clarity and immediate feedback. But when the PO takes days, maybe even weeks, to respond to critical questions, progress doesn’t just slow down—it grinds to a halt. Imagine being a chef, mid-recipe, and the head chef disappears just when you need to know whether to add sugar or salt. 👨‍🍳 Not exactly a recipe for success, right?

The long wait times aren’t just annoying; they’re demoralizing. Developers start to feel like their time isn’t valued. They sit twiddling their thumbs, watching deadlines loom ominously closer, all because they can’t get a simple yes or no. The project’s momentum fizzles out faster than a soda left open overnight.

And let’s not forget the ripple effect. One delayed answer can set off a chain reaction, stalling other tasks and making the whole sprint feel like trudging through molasses. The team starts missing targets, and the blame game begins.

Drowning in Documentation

In an attempt to “fix” the problem, developers demand more information upfront. They start listing all kinds of documentation they need from the PO. Enter the “Definition of Ready” (DoR), a checklist intended to guard developers against the PO going MIA. It looks like the silver bullet. Spoiler alert: it’s more like a lead balloon.

The DoR causes overly long user stories so bloated that even the most seasoned developer can’t make heads or tails of them. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is on fire.

The irony? The more detailed the documents become, the less the team understands. It’s information overload. Developers spend more time sifting through irrelevant details than actually coding. Productivity nosedives, and frustration skyrockets.

Lost in Translation

Let’s face it—words are tricky. Especially when the PO and the developers are coming from different planets of understanding. The PO might think they’re being crystal clear, but without shared context, those words might as well be in Klingon.

Misunderstandings become the norm. Developers interpret requirements one way, only to find out later that the PO meant something entirely different. It’s like playing a never-ending game of “Telephone,” but with higher stakes and fewer laughs.

This constant misalignment leads to rework, missed deadlines, and a whole lot of finger-pointing. Trust erodes, and the team starts to question not just the project, but their own competence.

The Impact on the Team

Feeling Stupid and Disempowered

When developers can’t make sense of the gargantuan documents, they start to doubt themselves. “Am I the problem?” they wonder. Confidence takes a hit, and soon enough, they stop asking questions altogether to avoid looking foolish.

This isn’t just bad for morale—it’s toxic. A team that doesn’t feel safe to communicate is a team that’s headed for disaster. They become disengaged, doing the bare minimum because they’ve lost faith in the process and in themselves.

The workplace turns into a silent room of code monkeys, tapping away without enthusiasm or understanding. Gone are the days of lively brainstorming sessions and creative problem-solving.

Innovation Hits a Dead End

Scolded for mistakes that weren’t entirely their fault, developers retreat into a shell. They stop proposing innovative solutions or experimenting with new technologies. Why bother when it’s safer to just follow orders to the letter?

This stagnation doesn’t just affect the current product development; it hampers the team’s growth. Skills become outdated, and the company misses out on potential breakthroughs that could have given them a competitive edge.

The workplace becomes a factory line, churning out mediocre products that fail to excite customers or stand out in the market. It’s the death knell for any tech-savvy organization aiming to be a leader rather than a follower.

The Vicious Cycle

The more the PO writes, the less the team understands. The less the team understands, the more they demand detailed documentation. It’s a self-perpetuating loop, a snake eating its own tail.

This cycle consumes valuable time and resources. The PO becomes a full-time novelist instead of a strategic leader. The team becomes editors instead of creators. And the product development? It gets stuck in limbo, neither progressing nor concluding.

Breaking free from this cycle isn’t easy, but recognizing it is the first step. Without intervention, the team risks burnout, high turnover, and ultimately, product failure.

Breaking the Silence: Reconnecting with the PO

Open Lines of Communication

Time to tear down those walls—literally and metaphorically. Regular face-to-face meetings (yes, Zoom counts) can work wonders. When developers and the PO engage in real-time conversations, questions get answered on the spot, misunderstandings are cleared up, and everyone gets on the same page.

Think of it as a team huddle before the big play. Everyone knows their role, the strategy is clear, and you’re set up to score. Plus, it builds camaraderie. When people talk, they connect. When they connect, they care.

It doesn’t have to be formal meetings. Quick ad-hoc calls or just working in the same room (or chat room) is perfect. Make talking a habit. Consistency is key. Schedule daily stand-ups or weekly syncs—whatever fits your team’s rhythm. Just keep talking.

Shared Understanding Over Documentation

Let’s shift the focus from creating exhaustive documents to fostering shared understanding. User stories should be conversation starters, not the be-all and end-all. Think of them as the spark that ignites collaborative discussions.

Workshops, whiteboarding sessions, and interactive demos can bring requirements to life in ways that static documents never will. When the team co-creates solutions, they buy into them. They understand the “why,” not just the “what.”

This doesn’t mean ditching documentation altogether—it means using it as a tool, not a crutch. Keep it lean, mean, and useful.

Empower the Team

When developers understand the product goals and the bigger picture, they become more than code jockeys—they become innovators. Encourage them to share ideas, challenge assumptions, and propose alternatives.

Create a safe space where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, not reasons for reprimand. Celebrate creative solutions, even if they don’t make the final cut. Show the team that their expertise is valued.

This empowerment fuels enthusiasm. Developers start exploring new technologies, keeping their skills sharp and bringing fresh perspectives to the table. It’s a win-win for the team and the product.


When Product Owners step out from behind their fortress of documentation and engage directly with the team, magic happens. Communication improves, misunderstandings fade, and the team becomes a cohesive unit driven by shared goals.

The end product doesn’t just meet the requirements—it exceeds them, delighting customers and stakeholders alike. The team feels empowered, innovation thrives, and everyone remembers why they got into this field in the first place.

Ready to transform your team’s dynamic and break the cycle of silence? Join our Agile Mastermind calls or check out the ACE program to connect with like-minded agilists ready to make a difference.

Thank you for reading The Agile Compass. I'm Matthias, here to help you help those around you become agile.

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The Agile Compass

How to create high-performing teams, innovative products and lead thriving businesses? The Agile Compass shares hands-on knowledge from 20+ years of experience in industries worldwide. Matthias is a Silicon Valley veteran and has been awarded the Agile Thought Leader award in 2022. His unique approach focuses on the human side of creating thriving businesses.

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