Bounce ideas and get support from me and other agilists twice a month in this Zoom session.

Do you:

  • Wonder how to solve a situation in an agile way?
  • Face resistance in your team?
  • Sometimes feel isolated as a Scrum Master?
  • Want to learn agility hands-on with real-life cases?
  • Want a positive spirit and people to bounce ideas with?

Join our mastermind and you will get:

  • Weekly group Zoom calls (40min each)
  • My support with real world challenges
  • A place with positive vibes with room to vent the occasional fear and frustration we all feel.
  • Ask questions about agility, your team, your current situation
  • Learn from the challenges of others
  • Connect with agile minds and broaden your network beyond your current job.


The mastermind is a regular Zoom session happening every week. Pick your slot:

🗓️ Tuesdays, 5:15pm CET (9:15am PST).

🗓️ Fridays, 12:30pm CET

If none of the slots fit your schedule, let me know: and we‘ll find a solution.

No risk, cancel anytime. If you don’t like your first month, you‘ll get a full refund. Join now, you deserve it.