Why Your Sprint Retrospectives Fail and How to Make Them Inspire Real Change

The Agile Compass

Matthias Orgler

Avoid the Pitfalls: Guide to Effective and Efficient Sprint Retrospectives

Are your retros effective? Do you only discuss problems or does the team actually improve continuously? Here is my proven template for effective retrospectives.

Hello Reader,

Matthias here. Last week we talked about the important topic of psychological safety and how you can measure it.

This week I want to focus on retrospectives. While most of you will know them from Scrum, retrospectives are also used in Kanban and other agile approaches. I've seen far too many ineffective retros in my career. But if you watch a few key aspects, you can make revitalize retrospectives an turn them into the insane engine of agile improvement they were meant to be.

Avoid the Pitfalls: Guide to Effective and Efficient Sprint Retrospectives

Over two decades of working in agile environments, I’ve witnessed countless sprint retrospectives fall short of their potential, often leading to them being skipped or abandoned. This trend is not just troubling—it’s perilous.

The sprint retrospective is crucial, arguably the most important of all scrum events. It serves as the engine for continuous improvement, vital for refining processes and enhancing team dynamics. Without regular and effective retrospectives, teams can quickly see their progress and cohesion deteriorate.

Given the undeniable importance of these sessions, it’s important we keep them efficient and effective. This articles includes an easy to follow template to improve this event for continuous improvement.

The Pitfalls of Problem-Centric Retrospectives

Sprint retrospectives are intended to be powerful tools for continuous improvement within agile teams. However, they often devolve into sessions that focus predominantly on problems, creating a negative atmosphere that can hinder progress. This section explores the common pitfalls of a problem-centric approach to retrospectives and argues for a shift towards more constructive, solution-focused sessions.

The Venting Session

In many agile environments, retrospectives can inadvertently become a forum for venting. Team members express their frustrations about the sprint, pointing fingers at external dependencies, management decisions, or internal team issues. Such sessions often feature phrases like “we didn’t get enough support from management,” or “we were blocked by another team again.”

While it’s crucial to acknowledge these frustrations, dwelling on them can lead to a cycle of negativity. This not only impacts team morale but also detracts from the primary objective of retrospectives: to identify and implement effective improvements.

Blame Culture

A significant risk of problem-focused retrospectives is the cultivation of a blame culture. When discussions concentrate on what went wrong or who is at fault, it can lead to defensive behavior and a lack of accountability. This environment is counterproductive to the open communication and trust necessary for agile teams to thrive (see my article on the importance of Psychological Safety to learn more).

Blame-oriented retrospectives discourage risk-taking and experimentation, as team members may fear becoming the next target of blame. This stifles innovation and can keep the team from finding effective solutions to their challenges.

Lack of Actionable Outcomes

Another issue with focusing too much on problems is the frequent lack of actionable outcomes. Discussions that revolve around problems without transitioning to solutions often end with vague intentions like “we need to communicate better” or “we should improve our testing procedures.” Such statements, while well-meaning, fail to specify how these improvements will be achieved.

Without clear, actionable steps, the same issues are likely to recur, leading to retrospective fatigue among team members who see little change from one sprint to the next.

Shifting the Focus

To avoid these pitfalls, retrospectives should quickly transition from identifying problems to generating and prioritizing actionable solutions. This shift not only enhances the effectiveness of the retrospective but also builds a more positive team dynamic. Team members feel empowered to effect change, transforming potential frustrations into opportunities for growth and learning.

In essence, while it’s important to acknowledge the challenges faced during a sprint, the focus of retrospectives should be on fostering a proactive approach to overcoming these challenges and enhancing team performance. This not only ensures the retrospective’s role as a catalyst for continuous improvement but also maintains the team’s motivation and commitment to the agile process.

Next let’s look at the general flare & focus (also known as the diamond) approach used in many workshops. If you’re already familiar with this, you can skip ahead to the “Step-by-Step Guide to Efficient and Effective Retrospectives”.

Introducing the Flare & Focus Approach

To revitalize sprint retrospectives and maximize their effectiveness, adopting the “Flare & Focus” approach can be transformative. This method, characterized by a broad generation of ideas that narrows down to focused actions, leverages collective team input and prioritization techniques to ensure that retrospectives lead to meaningful and actionable outcomes.

The Flare Phase: Generating Ideas

The first phase of this approach involves ‘flaring’—a free-form idea generation stage where all team members contribute their thoughts without restriction. A popular and effective tool for this is a digital whiteboard, like Miro, which allows team members to post notes in a shared, visual format. This method caters to remote or distributed teams, making collaboration seamless across different locations.

During this phase, team members are encouraged to reflect on the entire sprint and contribute a variety of insights. These can range from challenges and frustrations to successes and unexpected discoveries. The goal here is not to limit the scope of input but to capture a broad spectrum of experiences and perspectives.

The Clustering Process

Once all ideas are captured on the Miro board, the next step involves clustering these notes into related groups. This can be facilitated manually by the team or through Miro’s built-in AI capabilities, which can help identify common themes or related ideas. Clustering helps in organizing the scattered thoughts into coherent categories, making it easier to understand overarching issues or patterns that may not be immediately evident.

Prioritization Through Dot Voting

After clustering, the team moves into the ‘focus’ phase, starting with dot voting. Each team member is given three dots (or votes), which they can distribute across the different ideas. They might choose to place all three dots on one particularly pressing issue or spread them out to support multiple items. This democratic process ensures that every team member’s voice is heard and that the prioritization of issues reflects the collective opinion of the team.

Selection of Top Items

The items with the highest number of votes are then selected for further discussion and action planning. Typically, focusing on the top one to three issues allows the team to manage their efforts effectively without diluting their focus. However, it’s crucial not to discard the other items. Early in my practice, I learned the hard way that disregarding lesser-voted issues could demoralize team members, sending a message that their concerns are not valued. Keeping these items on the board also serves as a useful archive that can be revisited in future retrospectives or when similar issues arise again.

By implementing the Flare & Focus approach with tools like Miro and structured activities like dot voting, teams can transform their retrospectives from mundane or frustrating meetings into dynamic sessions that genuinely drive improvement and team cohesion. This method not only addresses immediate issues effectively but also builds a foundation of continuous learning and adaptation, which is at the heart of agile methodology.

Step-by-Step Guide to Efficient and Effective Retrospectives

So here is my general template for better retros. It generally uses the Flare & Focus approach, and it focuses an creating actual continuous improvement.

1. Review & Measure

Begin each retrospective by reviewing the actions decided upon in the previous session. Discuss each action item:

Implementation: Was the action implemented at all?

Impact: Did the action bring about the desired change or improvement?

This step reinforces accountability and sets the stage for a culture of follow-through, which is crucial for continuous improvement.

2. Jog Your Memory

To counter the recency effect, where team members primarily remember events from closer to the end of the sprint, use techniques to jog memories:

Significant Events: Use memorable events, like significant milestones or the birthday of a team member, as markers to help recall the sprint timeline.

Mood Curve: Have team members draw a mood curve of their sprint experience on the Miro board, marking highs and lows. Discuss any patterns or coinciding points to better understand team dynamics and find ideas for improvements.

3. Collect Problems & Experiments

With a fresh and comprehensive view of the sprint, move to collective brainstorming:

Broad Participation: Encourage every team member to contribute ideas about what went well and what could be improved.

Diverse Inputs: Capture a wide range of inputs, from technical issues to communication hurdles or process hick-ups. Besides problems, also think about experiments or improvement ideas.

4. Cluster and Vote

Once all problems, experiments or improvement ideas are on the board:

Cluster Similar Points: Group related points to simplify complexity and focus discussions.

Dot Voting: Each team member gets three votes to prioritize the clusters that resonate most or seem most critical.

Take the 1-3 points with the highest votes into the next step.

5. Get to the Root

The issues we see are often just symptoms of a deeper root cause:

What’s Causing This: Find out what is causing the problem you see.

5 Whys: Ask “why” repeatedly to get to the root cause.

6. Generate Improvement Ideas

Brainstorm improvement ideas. Focus on the top-voted problems:

Generate Ideas: Brainstorm potential solutions or improvements.

Creative Solutions: Encourage creative and out-of-the-box thinking to address these key issues. Sometimes it can help to think “how could we make it worse” – and then reverse your ideas.

7. Cluster and Vote Again

After brainstorming solutions:

Cluster Similar Ideas: Group related improvement ideas.

Second Round of Dot Voting: Conduct another round of voting to identify the solutions with the broadest support.

Again, take the 1-3 most favored improvement ideas into the next step.

8. Generate Action Items

Brainstorm specific action items for your favored improvements:

Specificity and Detail: Define clear, actionable steps that specify what needs to be done. Make sure you can actually do this within the upcoming sprint.

SMART Goals: If possible, aim for actions that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

9. Vote on Actions

Identify the actions the team thinks would most likely improve things:

Final Dot Voting: Perform a final round of voting to determine the priority actions for implementation in the next sprint.

Focus on the highest voted 1-3 action items.

10. Do it

Integrate the action items into the sprint planning:

Backlog Inclusion: Ensure that the top action items are added to the product backlog. Pull them into the sprint in the upcoming sprint planning.

Check Progress: Touch on these action items during the Daily Scrums of the upcoming sprint.

By following these steps, sprint retrospectives can effectively drive continuous improvement, ensuring that each session contributes tangible value to the team’s agile journey. This structured approach not only addresses immediate operational needs but also fosters a proactive, reflective, and improvement-oriented team culture.

Variability of Formats

While this template provides a structured and effective framework for conducting sprint retrospectives, it’s important to recognize that the format of these sessions can be highly flexible. Retrospectives are not a one-size-fits-all event; they can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the team and the unique challenges of each sprint.

Retrospective formats can be very different. Some events should have a different format and focus. Depending on the current team climate, product phase, or preceding sprint challenges, other formats can be more suitable:

  • Team Building Focus:
    Occasionally, it may be beneficial to dedicate a retrospective solely to team bonding and morale-boosting activities, especially after a particularly stressful sprint or during times of significant change within the team.
  • Deep Dives:
    Some sprints might uncover complex issues that merit an entire session devoted to dissecting and understanding these challenges deeply.
  • Celebratory Reviews:
    After a highly successful sprint, a retrospective can be a celebration of success, focusing on recognizing individual contributions and reinforcing positive behaviors and outcomes.

That’s not a final list, of course. I use the template outlined in this article as a default for most retrospectives, but of course I sprinkle in other formats where appropriate. The retro is such a flexible event.

Conclusion: Embrace Effective Retrospectives

The structured approach to retrospectives I presented here emphasizes continuity, focus, and a drive for actionable outcomes—key elements that transform these sessions from mere discussions into powerful tools for continuous improvement. By embedding accountability, specific action planning, and prioritized focus, this template ensures that each retrospective builds on the last, fostering a proactive and progressive team culture.

I invite you to try this approach and share your experiences. How was your last retrospective? What would you like to try in your next retro? Just reply to this email – I’m looking forward to reading your experiences!

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The Agile Compass

How to create high-performing teams, innovative products and lead thriving businesses? The Agile Compass shares hands-on knowledge from 20+ years of experience in industries worldwide. Matthias is a Silicon Valley veteran and has been awarded the Agile Thought Leader award in 2022. His unique approach focuses on the human side of creating thriving organizations.

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