The Truth About User Stories: Unlocking Their Power in Agile Development

The Agile Compass

Matthias Orgler

What is a User Story, Really?

User stories aren’t just about writing down requirements—they’re about sparking conversations that keep the focus on the user’s needs and empower teams to find the best solutions. Discover the true essence of user stories this week.

Hello Reader,

in the last couple of weeks you already learned about a few agile games I play with companies around the globe:

This week I also include a game I frequently play with great effect in trainings and workshops. And if you're interested in more details on these games, let me know.

The topic this week is the humble User Story. It's so simple, yet so often misunderstood and abused. I hope to clarify a few aspects in this article. Enjoy!

The Truth About User Stories: Unlocking Their Power in Agile Development

User stories are often misunderstood and misapplied in agile development. At their core, they’re simple yet powerful tools that focus on the user’s needs and foster meaningful communication between product managers and developers. As I always say:

“A user story is a story your user could tell.”
– Matthias Orgler

This seemingly simple definition belies the depth and importance of user stories in agile product development. Let’s delve deeper into what user stories truly are and dispel some common misconceptions.

The True Essence of User Stories

User stories are not just another way to document requirements. Traditional requirements often emphasize exhaustive detail and documentation, aiming to capture every nuance before development begins. In a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world, this approach is inefficient and often results in wasted effort. Instead of rigid documentation, user stories emphasize setting a rough direction, quickly validating hypotheses, and refining requirements based on real-world feedback.

Mike Cohn provides a similar perspective:

“A user story is a short, simple description of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or customer of the system.”
– Mike Cohn

This definition highlights the user-centric nature of user stories. They are about understanding and articulating the needs and desires of the user, rather than detailing the technical aspects of implementation.

It’s About Telling, Not Writing

User stories focus on telling a story, not writing detailed specifications. They serve as a promise for a conversation between product managers and developers, not as comprehensive documentation. As experienced agilists will tell you:

“A written user story is a promise for a discussion between product managers and developers.”

The written part of a user story, often captured on a simple index card, is just a reminder to have these crucial discussions. This emphasis on conversation over documentation aligns with the Agile Manifesto’s principle that the most efficient and effective way to convey information is through face-to-face communication.

Focusing on the User

A core aspect of user stories is their focus on the user. Traditional requirements often get bogged down in technical details that users neither know nor care about. In contrast, user stories concentrate on the user’s needs and the benefits they will receive. This focus is maintained by always including the “why” in a user story, ensuring that developers understand the purpose and value of what they’re building.

The typical user story template, “As a [who], I want [what], so that [why]”, encapsulates this user-centric approach. For instance, rather than stating, “Backend serves future agile classes,” a user story would say, “As a trainer, I want my profile to list my upcoming classes and include a link to a detailed page about each so that prospective attendees can find my courses.” (example stolen from the legendary Mike Cohn). This phrasing centers on the user’s experience and the value they derive from the feature, rather than on technical implementation details.

Iteration and Feedback

User stories are not static. Agile teams develop products in short iterations, allowing them to quickly build a working product and gather feedback from users. This iterative process helps ensure that the development stays aligned with the user’s needs. If the product deviates from these needs, or if there’s a misunderstanding, the team can quickly adapt.

Their impermanence made it easy to tear them up, throw them away, and replace them with new stories as more was learned about the product being developed.
– Mike Cohn

This further strengthens the ephemeral and adapting nature of stories. This flexibility is crucial for delivering a product that truly meets user expectations.

The Value of Conversation

Mike Cohn emphasizes:

“User stories are designed to strongly shift the focus from writing about features to discussing them. In fact, these discussions are more important than whatever text is written.”
– Mike Cohn

This shift from writing to conversation is fundamental to the proper use of user stories. The real value lies in the dialogue they facilitate between team members, leading to a deeper understanding of the user’s needs and how best to meet them.

A practical example of this can be seen in a game I like to play in workshops. The developers are asked to paint a picture based on written requirements from product owners. The results, when limited to written communication, are often lackluster. However, when developers and product owners can communicate directly in the second round of the game, the quality and clarity of the output improve dramatically. This interaction allows for rapid prototyping, clarifying questions, and immediate feedback, all of which are essential for creating high-quality products. The game wonderfully hits the message home, how inefficient and ineffective written requirements are compared to face-to-face communication.

The 3Cs Framework: Card, Conversation, Confirmation

The 3Cs framework—Card, Conversation, Confirmation—serves as a helpful guide for understanding user stories.

  1. Card: The “Card” represents the written part of the user story, typically kept brief and to the point. After all, we used real index cards for stories in the old days. It serves as a reminder rather than a detailed specification.
  2. Conversation: The “Conversation” is the heart of the user story. It’s where the real value lies, as it involves discussing the user’s needs and exploring how best to meet them. This conversation between product and developers creates insane value.
  3. Confirmation: The “Confirmation” involves defining the acceptance criteria that determine when a user story is considered complete. For example, “Given one million customers in the database, when I search for a customer name, then I get a list of max 5 results within max 500ms.” Such criteria help ensure that the implementation meets the intended user needs without unnecessary embellishments.

Avoiding Misuse and Common Pitfalls

Despite their simplicity, user stories can be misused. A common pitfall is treating them as another form of traditional requirements documentation. For instance, merely rewriting existing requirements into the user story template can result in awkward and unhelpful “user stories” like “As a trainer I want to see my trainings, so that I can see my trainings” or “As a system I want to list trainings”. Such stories miss the point of user stories by focusing on tasks rather than user needs and benefits.

Another issue arises from resistance to change, especially in organizations accustomed to detailed documentation. Modern tools like Jira further exacerbate the problem by providing virtually infinite description fields. In such cases, imposing constraints—such as character limits or using physical index cards—can help teams adjust. Furthermore, some organizations face regulatory requirements that necessitate detailed documentation. It’s crucial to separate the need for a compliance paper trail from the agile development process. Often, compliance can be achieved without compromising the agility and flexibility that user stories offer.

In some cases, the resistance to moving away from verbose documentation stems from a lack of trust within the organization. Leaders may use documentation as a way to “prove” that the team is working. However, this can only show that the team is busy, not necessarily delivering value. To counter this, organizations need to foster a culture of trust and a deep understanding of what truly drives people. This cultural shift is essential for adopting agile practices and building great products.

Empowering Development Teams

User stories empower development teams by giving them the freedom to find the best solutions. Instead of specifying how to implement a feature, user stories focus on the desired outcome. This approach allows developers to leverage their expertise and creativity, leading to innovative solutions.

For example, rather than instructing my team to “give me a car by tomorrow,” a user story might state, “As a keynote speaker, I need to be at the conference in Frankfurt by 9 AM to deliver my talk.” This broader goal allows the team to consider various solutions, such as providing a car with a driver, booking a train ticket, or even arranging a remote setup. Some of these implementations even add extra value like a relaxed journey, more sustainable travel, or time to go through my talk again. By understanding the bigger picture, the team can offer solutions that best meet, and even exceed, the user’s needs.

The Role of Agile Planning in User Stories

Agile planning is not about avoiding planning altogether; it’s about planning with the understanding that things will change. Instead of rigidly detailing every aspect of the product before development begins, agile teams make a rough plan that focuses on user needs. This plan is then iteratively refined based on user feedback and evolving understanding.

This approach allows for flexibility and responsiveness, essential qualities in today’s fast-paced development environments. By focusing on user needs and being open to change, agile teams can deliver products that better meet real-world demands.


User stories are much more than just a different way to write requirements. They are a tool for fostering communication, maintaining a focus on user needs, and empowering development teams. By embracing the conversational nature of user stories and avoiding common pitfalls, teams can create products that truly deliver value. Let’s use user stories to their full potential, fostering collaboration, innovation, and a focus on what matters most: the user.

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The Agile Compass

How to create high-performing teams, innovative products and lead thriving businesses? The Agile Compass shares hands-on knowledge from 20+ years of experience in industries worldwide. Matthias is a Silicon Valley veteran and has been awarded the Agile Thought Leader award in 2022. His unique approach focuses on the human side of creating thriving businesses.

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