💪 How to motivate people: Autonomy, mastery & purpose

The Agile Compass

Matthias Orgler

How to motivate people: Autonomy, mastery & purpose

How can we motivate people? Does money work? No! But what works then? Let's look at the research.

Hello Reader,

today I want to talk about motivation – especially about how it does NOT work, and what you can do better.

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How to motivate people: Autonomy, mastery & purpose

Hey leaders and coaches, let’s have a chat about something super important: motivation.

We’ve all been there: Trying to figure out what really gets people moving, what truly makes them tick. And if you’re like most people, you might think it’s all about money, promotions, or perks 🤑🏆🛩️. But here’s the kicker: those things don’t work in the long run 😱. Shocking, right?

The Motivation Myth

Money and promotions? They’re like candy. Sure, they’re sweet and satisfying for a moment, but you can’t build a healthy diet on them. In fact, dangling money and perks in front of people can lead to some pretty unwanted behaviors—cutting corners, constantly needing a bigger carrot, and ultimately, losing that spark of intrinsic motivation.

Side note: Researches found that extrinsic motivators like money actually affect the brain in a way shockingly similar to illegal drugs! No wonder the consequences are so similar.

Intrinsic Motivation: The Real Deal

So, if we can’t motivate people with money, what do we do? Well, let’s flip the script. People come to us already motivated. Our job isn’t to add motivation but to stop killing it! According to Daniel Pink in his book Drive, our intrinsic motivation boils down to three essential elements: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. And, if you dive a bit deeper, some theories also highlight relatedness. Let’s break these down, shall we?

1. Autonomy: The Freedom to Choose

Autonomy is all about letting people have control over their own lives. There are four key aspects here:

  • How to Work: Give people the freedom to choose their methods and tools.
  • When to Work: Flexibility in working hours can make a huge difference.
  • With Whom to Work: Let people choose their teammates and collaborators.
  • On What to Work: Empower people to pick projects that excite them.

When people feel they have a say in their work, they’re more engaged and productive. Simple as that.

2. Mastery: The Desire to Get Better

We all have an innate drive to improve, to get better at what we do. Mastery is about progress, learning, and growth. It’s that feeling you get when you nail a challenging task or learn a new skill. It’s deeply satisfying and incredibly motivating.

If we look at children, we see that playing, failing and learning are actually the same thing. And children love to play! Computer game designers use the same mechanism to create fun and motivation: They let you fail, then learn, then succeed every few seconds in a game.

Mastery is a core human driver and it creates fun and motivation.

3. Purpose: The Bigger Picture

Purpose is about connecting our work to something greater than ourselves. It’s the “why” behind what we do. When people understand and believe in the mission of their work, they’re far more likely to go the extra mile.

Mind you, purpose is not a nice-to-have add-on for a business, but a must-have. Companies with a clear purpose bigger than ourselves seem to attract more talent and have the more motivated work force.

4. Relatedness: Feeling Connected

Feeling connected to others is a fundamental human need. Building strong, supportive relationships at work can significantly boost motivation. It’s about creating a sense of community and belonging.

Practical Tips: Removing Demotivators

Alright, now let’s get practical. Here are some common ways we frustrate these intrinsic motivators and how we can fix it:

  1. Micromanaging: Telling people exactly how to do their work kills autonomy. Instead, set clear goals and let them find their own path.
  2. Rigid Schedules: Forcing everyone to stick to a 9-5 schedule can be a huge demotivator. Allow flexible working hours where possible.
  3. Imposed Teams: Assigning people to teams without their input can stifle collaboration. Encourage team members to have a say in their team composition. If possible, let people self-select into teams.
  4. Lack of Growth Opportunities: If people don’t see a path for growth, they lose interest. Invest in training and development programs. Also don’t max out utilization to 100%, but give them time to try new things and learn.
  5. Disconnect from Purpose: If the company’s mission is just a poster on the wall, it’s not going to inspire anyone. Communicate the purpose regularly and show how each person’s work contributes to the bigger picture.
  6. Neglecting Relationships: Ignoring the social aspect of work can lead to isolation. Foster a collaborative and supportive work environment.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the secret isn’t about adding layers of motivation but peeling back the layers of demotivation. People are naturally driven by autonomy, mastery, purpose, and relatedness. Our job is to nurture these elements and create an environment where intrinsic motivation can flourish.

So, let’s stop dangling those carrots and start creating a workplace where people can truly thrive. Ready to make a change? Let’s do this! 🚀

Feel inspired? Let’s keep this conversation going! Share your thoughts and experiences below or continue the discussion in our Discord community. I’d love to hear how you’re fostering motivation in your teams.

Thank you for reading The Agile Compass. I'm Matthias, here to help you help those around you become agile.

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The Agile Compass

How to create high-performing teams, innovative products and lead thriving businesses? The Agile Compass shares hands-on knowledge from 20+ years of experience in industries worldwide. Matthias is a Silicon Valley veteran and has been awarded the Agile Thought Leader award in 2022. His unique approach focuses on the human side of creating thriving businesses.

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